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Lundell Plastics

Where Innovation Takes Shape.

Closing Wheel Tips & Maintenance


Five Tips to Configure Closing Wheels

Closing wheel configuration is one of the most critical aspects of your planter setup. This component essentially adds the final touches in seed placement that establishes the seedbed for the crop to flourish. Overlooking the closing wheels' effectiveness can lead to many issues when the plants emerge. Lundell Plastics has assembled a few helpful tips to help you with closing wheel maintenance.

  1. Use The Correct Closing Wheel

    Make sure to use a closing wheel that effectively crumbles the sidewall while still providing adequate see to soil contact. Lundell Plastics' poly The Closer closing wheel works effectively in a variety of soil types and tillage practices.

  2. Adjust Wheel Alignment

    The closing wheels should be equal distance from the center of the furrow. Misaligned wheels could cause issues with compaction and inadequate closing, which can lead to uneven emergence and reduced crop stands.

  3. Inspect Closing Wheel Arm

    The closing wheel arm has several wear items that can allow the arm to move side to side. Inspect the arm for excessive play and replace components as needed.

  4. Set Downforce

    The right amount of downforce on a closing wheel is key to closing the furrow properly. Too much pressure will create added compaction, and too little could leave air pockets around the seed. Set the spring pressure on the closing wheel to account for the soil type, moisture, and tillage method used in the field.

  5. Test and Tune

    When you have finished your initial setup, do a test run to check that the seed is placed at the desired depth and that the seed trench is closed correctly. If it is not, adjust closing wheel downforce or consider a different type of closing wheel.

Find more innovative tips and products at www.lundellplastics.com.