Lundell Plastics Welcomes Andy Mortensen

ODEBOLT, Iowa - Lundell Plastics Corporation of Odebolt, Iowa recently announced the addition of Andy Mortensen to their sales force. Although Mortensen actually joined the Lundell team in July, he has been working to learn the business from the ground up. According to company president, Vance Lundell and Mortensen, this has been the most effective way to be fully versed in the company's line of products.
"Right now, Andy is spending time in both sales and the manufacturing end of Lundell Plastics," said Lundell. "For training purposes, we believe it is important for him to be as familiar as he can be with every aspect of our business. He is learning our processes, how products are made and how they are installed. He came to us already familiar with our products, but this gives him an even broader knowledge base to answer technical questions."
Mortensen agrees that this type of training will not only allow him to answer customer questions and provide value after the sale, but it will also provide the basis for being able to wear different hats within the company.
"I now know even more about plastic types and what can and can't be done with them," Mortensen explained. "Since I am more of a hands-on type of guy, I like the idea that I know what happens with our product from start to finish, and when an order comes in, I can help move it through the system to ensure it is done to our customer's satisfaction."
Mortensen served in the Army National Guard from 1993 to 2005, and was deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom Five. After returning from his deployment in 2005, he was able to come back home to Odebolt and get back to what he knows best...agriculture. He had spent years working for a large area farming operation, and said that farming has been a part of his life for as long as he can remember. In fact, one of his fondest memories is of Vance Lundell teaching him how to drive a combine when he was in his early teens.
So, when the opening came up at Lundell Plastics last year, Mortensen hated to leave farming, but this was just too good an opportunity to turn down.
"It's pretty close to being a farmer, without actually being one," said Mortensen. "I still get to be a part of agriculture, and I get to do what I love to do, and that is to make things more efficient for the farmer. I have been in the fields and I have seen what works best. I am not only able to help make the product recommendations, but also help with the implementation and follow up on the results. This really is the best of both worlds."
Mortensen's focus will be on working directly with producers as well as organizing and attending trade shows, but he will also be an integral part of the day-to-day processes at Lundell Plastics.
For over 30 years, Lundell Plastics has been an innovator in the plastics industry. They have also become innovators in their approach to finding the ideal person for their company and in implementing training that builds mastery of products and processes as well as mutual respect.
"He has knowledge of our products, a willingness to learn and he is a fun guy to talk to," Lundell said of Mortensen. "You have to have the right person in place for this job. It was a combination of factors that brought Andy to us, but he is the right personality and a natural fit for our organization."
Those looking to learn more about cutting-edge agriculture and industrial plastic products from Lundell Plastics can visit their official website at as well as connect with the company on Facebook, Twitter (@LundellPlastics) and Google Plus.